75 Main in Southampton
Owner Zach Erdem features Chef Walter Hinds who has gone from New York to Paris to Southampton with a pit stop in the British Virgin Islands to open his OWN gourmet restaurant on St. John that was voted Best French Restaurant on the island – and his cooking prowess has been described as contemporary French with strong multi-ethnic influences. Right from the start for me it was a tough choice (!) between the tomato tart tartin made as a confit with fried pesto ice cream, ricotta salata & basil essence – and the fresh crabcake with a delicious remoulade sauce…I opted for something from the sea paired with a cool, crisp glass of pinot grigio. Alex opted for the tomato flavor having chosen fried calamari for his appetizer which came with it for a dipping sauce. David arrived a little late so lost out altogether on the tasty tidbits but the big basket of crusty bread with a selection of olive oil & olive paste & butter remedied his appetite so all was good : ) David & I thoroughly enjoyed the filet mignon topped with a fine bernaise sauce and served with whipped yukon gold potatoes and fresh lime green asparagus as the vegetable along with “the house” pinot noire. I almost went for the Morrocan Spice Rack of Lamb w/ madras curry white bean falafel which they serve with organic spinach and a hint of coriande perfumed port wine jus…seriously a big decision but hardly a bad one either way! Alex wanted something different so had a yummy roasted chicken flavored lightly with lemon, asparagus and pomme frites which he said was quite good and satisfied his choice over steak. As we were all stuffed to the gills but alas could not completely resist temptation – we shared a tortoni for dessert that was quartered for us and just perfect quelling all chocolate urges amidst a delicious almond crunch! Chef Hinds is a critically acclaimed Executive Chef, who has been featured in many national and international publications, i.e. New York Times, New York Newsday, New York Daily News, New York Post, Art Culiniare, Restaurant Nation News, Hamptons Magazine, New York Magazine and various Japanese magazines. Since winter will be upon us before you know it, it makes a great place to stop in between holiday shopping and Southampton goes all out for decorating our quaint village and making stores illuminous at night. You can make reservations at OpenTable.com which makes it so convenient to go on a moment’s notice. We think you should : )