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Hope for Depression Research Foundation Hosts a Festive Drive-By Lunch in Southampton To Kick Off the 2020 Virtual Race of Hope

here + there :: The Hamptons’ PR Wire

Hope for Depression Research Foundation (HDRF) will host its first-ever Race of Hope Drive-By Lunch in Southampton on Thursday, July 16 to kick off the Virtual Race of Hope which will organize hundreds of runners this summer across the nation to raise mental health awareness.

The Drive-By Lunch and the Virtual Race of Hope are a festive embrace of healthy physical distancing guidelines during the pandemic. At the Lunch, HDRF Founder and Chair Audrey Gruss, a prominent Southampton resident, will wave to top supporters of the Virtual Race of Hope from the steps of the Southampton Cultural Center as they stop by in their cars. Race Grand Marshals Jamee Gregory and Arthur Dunnam will join Gruss on the steps – each standing 6 feet apart per CDC guidelines and wearing face masks.

At the Drive-By Lunch, each guest will receive a picnic basket to-go with a delicious lunch for two generously provided by Race sponsor Eli Zabar. As guests drive onto Pond Lane, they will be surrounded by HDRF’s signature HOPE yellow balloons (recyclable and environmentally friendly) that will line the street.

“Depression is a challenging public health issue that was critical before COVID-19 and imperative now,” said Audrey Gruss. “Mental health needs to be a top priority for our nation now, and we are so thankful to all our Southampton supporters who are answering the call.”

She added: “Depression is the Number One reason for disability and suicide worldwide, and yet over 35% of people do not respond to conventional medications. That is why HDRF’s advanced research into new and better treatments is so urgent.”

THE VIRTUAL RACE OF HOPE – A Live Event on Sunday, August 2, 2020

Hope for Depression Research Foundation’s Virtual 5K Race of Hope is the same race that has been the charity’s signature summer event in Southampton since 2015. This year, all runners and walkers who sign up will choose their own race route, whether it’s their favorite beach, neighborhood street, or treadmill. Participants also have the option to extend their race distance to a 10k (6.2 miles), 15k (9.3 miles), half marathon (13.1 miles) or marathon (26.2 miles).

This Virtual Race will also feature a live broadcast event on Sunday, August 2 at 8:10 AM for those walkers and runners who want to race at the exact same time. The “Virtual Corral” will feature messages of hope from Race participants and a Grand Marshal welcome message all before the Virtual Race starts at 8:30 AM EST. Race ambassadors will contribute to a live race day broadcast, so supporters can virtually cheer them on as they complete the race. “It’s a virtual race with a live event twist to create the fun and excitement of race day,” said Gruss. “We’re excited to see people signing up and joining forces all over the country.”

As a part of the Virtual Race of Hope, HDRF is hosting a social media contest called Share Hope, where participants are encouraged to share who they are running/walking for, what motivated them to join the race, or just a fun photo of them partaking or training for the race. Those interested in entering should post on social media with a photo, video (15sec. max), or boomerang featuring the Race of Hope by July 23 and enter to win on the contest entry page: Up to 50 lucky winners will be selected to have their message of hope featured on HDRF’s social media pages leading up to and/or during the “Virtual Corral” on race day and will get a Hope for Depression Research Foundation canvas tote.

The cost to register for the Race of Hope is $35. The first 1,000 to sign up will receive a commemorative hat, jacket, runner’s bib and a four-inch 2020 Race of Hope spinner medal. 100% of the funds raised will go directly to research that will transform the way depression is viewed, diagnosed, treated and prevented. For more information or to register, visit:

Virtual 5K Race of Hope Committee:

James R. Borynack & Adolfo Zaralegui, Geoffrey Bradfield, Alexander P. Federbush, Bambi & Roger Felberbaum, Barbara & Alan Glatt, Lucia Hwong Gordon, Mrs. John (Susan) Gutfreund, Candy Hamm, The Hon. Earle I. Mack and Carol Mack, Kim Heirston Marigay McKee & Bill Ford, Muffy & Donald Miller, Mrs. Lucia N. Musso, Anne S. Nordeman, Robin Pickett, Thomas C. Quick, Teresa & James Remez, Hilary Geary Ross, Jean Shafiroff, Scott Snyder, Tom & Clelia Zacharias

Virtual 5K Race of Hope Sponsors:
Findlay Galleries and Livingston Builders

What is HDRF, and a quick overview of their work/achievements in the past decade: HDRF is the leading non-profit dedicated solely to advanced depression research. Audrey Gruss founded the organization in 2006 in memory of her mother, Hope, who struggled with depression. The mission of HDRF is to fund cutting-edge neuroscience research into the origins, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of depression and other related mood disorders. In 2010, HDRF launched its Depression Task Force – a collaboration of nine leading scientists, at the frontiers of brain science, from different research institutions across the U.S. and Canada. To accelerate breakthrough research, they share ongoing results, in real-time, at the HDRF Data Center. HDRF has invested over $million dollars in advanced depression research to date.

About Depression:
In the United States, depression affects over 20-million adults each year – that is one in 10 adults. Depression is the leading cause of suicide. In the United States, one person dies by suicide every 11 minutes – over 47,000 people per year. Depression is the number one cause of disability worldwide. Depression costs society $210-billion annually – 60% of which represents reduced efficiency at work and costs related to suicide.

The Crisis in Research and Treatment
Over 50% of those diagnosed with depression do not respond to existing treatments. In 35 years since the introduction of Prozac and other SSRI anti-depressants, there has been almost no change in the treatment of depression, just tinkering with existing approaches. Although depression is one of the most serious and prevalent conditions in the US, it is ranked 77th (out of 250) in the amount of federal funding it receives. Most of the major pharmaceutical companies have discontinued brain research

What Makes HDRF Different

The Depression Task Force represents the most innovative approach to neuroscience research today The Task Force has created an unprecedented research plan with each member executing a piece of the plan in their own laboratories. By avoiding well-worn paths of research, the team is shaking up the field for answers that will finally lead to new treatments for depression. They share results in real-time at a centralized data bank. This allows them to leverage data to accelerate research. This is unheard of in the entire scientific research field which is normally competitive and not collaborative.

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July 12th, 2020 Posted by | here & there | no comments

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