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Hampton Classic Horse Show to Present Virtual Boutique Garden!

here + there :: The Hamptons’ PR Wire

Despite the cancellation of this year’s Hampton Classic Horse Show, Classic fans will still be able to shop the Classic’s famed Boutique Garden! From Sunday, August 30 through Sunday, September 6 (the Classic’s traditional dates leading up to Labor Day), the Classic will host a virtual Boutique Garden, featuring nearly 40 of the show’s onsite shops and boutiques.The shopping experience will be available at the shopping page on Hampton Classic so what are you waiting for?! A preview of all items vendors are offering for sale will be available as of Friday, August 28th, 2020 with sales starting on Sunday, August 30. All participating shops will offer a 10% discount for those who use the code HC2020 at check-out.

“When we announced the cancellation of this year’s Hampton Classic, I heard from almost as many people about missing out on the shopping as I did from those who were sad about missing the beautiful horses,” said Shanette Cohen, Executive Director of the Hampton Classic. “Shopping is a major highlight at the Hampton Classic and I’m so thrilled that we have found a way to offer it this year despite the fact that we won’t be there in person.

“In addition to providing a chance to shop some of the amazing boutiques found at the Classic, this is also a great way to help support the many small businesses who are missing out on the chance to showcase their products at the Hampton Classic, as well as at other horse shows throughout 2020. It’s also a good way to support the Hampton Classic, a 501(c)3 non-profit. Each vendor will be making a 15% donation to the show for purchases made through the virtual boutique garden and this will play a role in helping the Classic survive 2020 and return in its traditional way in 2021!” Did you know was Hampton Classic’s original official website way back in 1995? : )

One of the largest outdoor horse shows in the U.S., the Hampton Classic is a premier destination for many of the world’s best show jumping riders vying for top prize money and titles. The show features six show rings, a high-end Boutique Garden and a wide selection of dining options, all on its 60-acre spectacular show grounds. The show hosts more than 200 classes of competition for horses and riders of all ages and abilities. A wide range of hunter, jumper and equitation classes are offered ranging from leadline classes all the way up to the grand prix show jumping. The Classic also has competitions for riders with disabilities.

For more information, please call (631) 537-3177. Hampton Classic Horse Show, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable corporation.

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August 25th, 2020 Posted by | here & there, | no comments