Hi, this is Claude Mayers, with some poems I hope you can enjoy
Of the sea and the Hamptons and the Flying Point (Southampton) Parking Lot:
This one was written in 2002 on the first day of summer.
See if you think the water was similar that day to the way it was today…..
Waiting For A Parking Spot At Flying Point
Glad the water is finally warm
After all those boots and full wetsuit days
But then it is the first day of summer
Boys out there with flimsy rashguards
Or just baggies
The sun so hot
Now I just have to get a parking spot
Until someone with keys and a vehicle
Walks off the exhaust browned sand
copyright 2002 Claude Mayers
I had a lovely bicycle ride last evening, the last evening of spring, 2007
Did you see those soft white clouds in rows with the wind blowing the
swirls from beneath
them up and around, the sky a gently blue behind them?
On my way back from Sag Harbor I rolled past Paul’s Pizza and the
Sunrise to Sunset Surfshop
And saw what was playing at the movies:
Movie Marquee
Pirates 3
Fantastic 4
Surf’s Up
Knocked Up
C 2007 Claude Mayers
Sometimes you have to study the sea, and not miss the telltale signs
If you really want to surf
This was a day I enjoyed a good session at Main Beach or Groovy Beach
or whatever you know it as, next to the Beach Club, south of Lake Agawam…
In Southampton….
When The Hurricane Waves Slip Away
When the hurricane waves slip away
Under a cloudy gray morning sky
Some think of other activities
And duties to perform
But as the tide changes
And the swell re-surges
I will be ready
In my long sleeve shorty
To ride right or left
Whichever direction the ocean deems
Friends banging their hammers
Or balancing their business sheets
Imagining the next storm
While I take a surprising drop
Far out from the deserted beach
C 2005 Claude Mayers
Unfortunately, I do know too much about grieving lately
As I lost my beloved wife of 12 years a bit more than five months ago….
The Peevish Grieve Seriously
The peevish grieve seriously
At the loss of their esteem
What their mother was
How their father crawled
To the Scot who schemed and lied
Today they cannot feel free
Of death’s desire
Though the birds sing lightly
Above the sea
In the tropical trees
Their equilibrium malingers
Between magnetic stalkers
Wired to happiness
And bitter dreams
Their gait is wide
Their balance weak
They scream suddenly
When pain disguises
Their fears in golden cloaks
Love languidly leaving them
Empty and hopeless
But the precipitous
Intimidate their disease
Their anemic souls
Seeping through the cobwebs
What could be
Far from the flash of victory
Electrocuting their darkness
Thunder shaking their sinews
Floods drowning their
Prayers for dignity
C 2007 Claude Mayers