karen amster-young :: The Beach Chair Chronicles
…weekly observations & discoveries from manhattan to the east end…
They should establish a new policy: anyone who makes an appointment for after 8:00 p.m. should have an “open bar” option. Oh, I forgot to mention my ten attempts of opening the locker with one of those key-pads where you enter your own code to open and lock it. I hate them. I prefer the key on the spiral key chain thing you put on your wrist; it makes you feel like you are back in college; remember those things from your dorm room? I ended up lugging my heavy pocketbook with me to the waiting room. I did not trust that I successfully secured the stupid locker. After waiting for about 10 minutes and reading an article about getting your body “beach ready” (ha!), a girl (and I mean girl) came out and gave me a form to fill out before my massage. “Do I really have to fill this out?” I asked feeling tired and ancient. “Yes, we must have your information before your massage.” I read the first question: DO YOU EVER SUFFER FROM DIZZINESS? ARE YOU ON ANY MEDICATION? ANY HEART PROBLEMS? ALLERGIES? ARE YOU CURRENTLY BEING TREATED BY A DOCTOR? ARE YOU PREGNANT? DO YOU HAVE TROUBLE SLEEPING? AGH! Is this supposed to put me in a pre-massage mood? What is it with these places? Can’t they just have you sign something to release them of all liability regardless of your mental or physical state? It should just read: I hereby hold this expensive, irritating place harmless for anything that happens as a result of my massage. And then they should have you sign it. That’s it. That’s what all of these places should make you sign. I gave the form back filled out, with partial truths to the twelve-year old girl. I then checked my cell phone for the last time; shutting it off required an exhausting amount of focus. I then took a big gulp of the lemon-wedged water and waited. Mark, my assigned masseur, entered the waiting area and escorted me in to another, smaller room with the same music. He told me to take off all of my jewelry. I started sweating. Oh, here we go! Of course, most of my jewelry stays on all the time. Taking it off requires dexterity and patience, both of which were in short supply right now. “I will be back in a few moments,” he said. “Just take off all of your clothes except your underwear and lay face down with your head in the cradle.” Much to my surprise, I managed to take off the jewelry and follow his directions. There I was, face down, trying to relax. We all know though that when you try to relax it is next to impossible. I started thinking that perhaps I should have just forgotten the massage and paid the cancellation fee and join the list of spa “no-shows”. And then…just when I thought I could not possibly be more uptight, an old Bob Dylan song replaced the grating Zen music and Mark’s hands worked my shoulders… I began relaxing. By the end of the 50 minutes I was successfully in a different place – a state of mind that most “normal” people are probably in on a regular basis. The only difference? I had to pay for it. I floated back to my locker with my big freakin’ pocketbook and, of course, could not successfully open the metal box. I walked back to my room in those ugly spa sandals and decided to worry about getting my own shoes tomorrow. The quest for relaxation is often elusive. It can actually take some work to get there. But, just as in life, you have to appreciate the journey. It all works in the end. ‘Till next week…