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Notes from the Intergalactic Travelling Companion::2

deborah moulton :: Hamptons Intergalactica

The planet Morn which is less than five hundred light years away, may well be the perfect vacation spot for the casual traveler as well the bold inter-galactic adventurer. The bright yellow tilth weed is in full bloom and we are well past the knick fly season. I once made the mistake of visiting Morn during knick fly season and was rewarded with a bite the size of a tennis ball. For about three weeks, dense clouds of tiny biting flies swarm up from the tilth weed; and since the tilth weed is everywhere, so are the knick flies. The native Mornians are not bothered so much as they are reptilian and have extremely thick skins – which makes humans all the more desirable from the knick fly perspective.

By way of explanation, although similar to Earth in many ways, Morn did not follow the same evolutionary path as our planet as there was no devastating ice age. Therefore, Mornians are cold-blooded. But what a diverse planet!

Of all the sentient races on Morn, and there are many, I cannot help but feel partial towards the Gorbuls. Long time friends of humanity, they are lovers of art, philosophy and gardening. However, because they are only four feet tall and walk about on four stubby reptilian feet, it is easy to underestimate their high degree of intelligence. Their brain and telepathic abilities are lodged external organs called lobes which cascade down in ripples from their head down to their shoulders.

Believe it or not, I first met the famous Gorbul Ambassador Grizzlob right here in Southampton! He was attending a lecture I was giving for the Garden Club on the many varieties of Hemerocallis, commonly known as daylilies, and how to incorporate them into summer’s perennial palate. As Grizzlob came in disguise, I took him to be a rather short fellow gardening enthusiast, swathed in an elegant Mumu, many veils, an over-sized hat and enormous sunglasses.

Nor did Grizzlob reveal himself as a Gorbul until we had spent many quiet dinners together scouting out local restaurants in search of the best mushroom dishes. I now know that Gorbuls are inordinately fond of mushrooms and my good friend, Grizzlob, is no exception. Needless to say, you can imagine my astonishment when Grizzlob, after a beer sampling at the Southampton Publick House, stripped off his hat, veils, and sunglasses. In fact, I gasped when I saw the magnificent violet lobes that frame his face. I confess I might even have screamed when I realized that, although seeming upright, he actually walked along on four lizard-like legs and had a tail.

However, Grizzlob’s true identity only served to deepen our unique inter-species friendship. Now I can honestly say that I am his confidante in all matters and am glad to listen and provide advice as he navigates through a very tricky economic and political climate. Morn, while beautiful, is a complicated world. Ambassador Grizzlob is continually called upon to weigh in on galactic matters of great magnitude of which I dare not reveal. The good ambassador has many enemies who would do him wrong – if not do him in entirely.

Still, if you do visit Morn, you must tour the Ambassador’s gardens – which are truly magnificent. He is especially proud of his ornamental mushroom maze which covers well over two acres and is so torturous with its intricate windings that even Grizzlob himself has become lost on occasion. Please inform Grizzlob’s staff that you are a personal friend and I’m sure you will be given the royal treatment and depart with your pockets laden with mushroom confections that rival the finest chocolate.

Deborah Moulton – Official Scribe of Morn

In Deborah Moulton’s own words: When my children were very small, I would spin them stories about faraway places filled with imaginary characters. When my children were slightly bigger, I wrote several books. When my children got expensive (as children do), I stopped writing and entered the job market. After a long twenty years of teaching and desk jobs, I have returned to writing and have just put back into print my first book, The First Battle of Morn ( sci-fi) which was published in 1988 and am half way through the sequel. lifeguard stand

March 10th, 2009 Posted by | imaginary tales | no comments

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