Albert Etienne Pensis

Pensis-Stolz Inc.
200 Lexington Avenue
New York, New York 10016

Combining a sense of style with business acumen, Albert Pensis today heads Pensis-Stolz Inc., the interior design firm, and KPS Inc., the designer showroom specializing in elegant European imported furnishings. Albert became well known to the interior design world through his previous association with Bloomingdales and W&J Sloane, where he served in both interior design and merchandising capacities. For the past twelve years, Pensis-Stolz has done design work on a national level, concentrating on the tri-state area and Massachusetts and Florida, the Caribbean and Canada. "A designer must be flexible enough to work with any media," states Mr. Pensis. He attaches great importance to marrying decor to architecture, an approach that is immediately apparent in his interiors. which are always characterized by a strong sense of space. His work has been featured in a number of major shelter magazines.