Deed Granting All of the Shinnecock Land to the Trustees
of the Comanallity of the Town of Southampton

August 16, 1703

To all Christian people to whom these presents shall Com. Know yea that Pomquamo Chice and Mahanum Indian Sachems of ye plantation of Indians Comonly known by ye name of Shinicok By and with ye consent of ye Rest of theire people for Divers good causes them there unto moveing as also for ye sum of twenty pounds curant money of ye province of new york to em in hand paid by ye trustees of ye Comanallity of ye town of Southampton, wherewith ye said pomquamo Chice and mahanaman Indian Sachems above sd acknowledge them [selves] ffully satisfied contented and paid, hath given granted Remised Released and forever quit clamed, and by these presents for themselves their people their heirs and successors cloth fully clearly and absolutely give grant Remise Release and for ever Quit Claim unto ye said trustees namely Elnathan Topping Joseph ffordham Joseph Peirson Abraham Howell Jeckamiah Scott Josiah Howell Daniel Halsey Thomas Stephens Joseph Howell gershum Culver John Malbie and Hezekiah Howell of ye comonalliy of ye town of Southampton and their associates their heirs and sucksesers forever, in their full and peasable possession and seaseing, for all such Right, Estate, title, Interest and Demand whatsoever, as they ye said Pomgomo Chice and Mahanaman and their people had or out to have of in or to all that tracte of Land of ye township of Southampton situate Lying and being upon ye southward branch and towards ye eastward end of ye Island of Nassau butted and bounded south with ye mane otion: on ye north by ye bay and peconick grat River which Devides ye two branches of said Island, and Eastward by a line Running from ye most eastward pint of hoggneck across ye said branch of ye said Island to and by a stake upon winescutt plain, to ye aforesaid salt or mane otion or sea, being ye bounds between ye town of East Hampton and Southampton, and westwardly from an Inlett out of ye sea or mane otion Comonly Known by ye name of Copsoage gut, into ye south bay Running Northerly up Seatuck River to ye marked bounds tree of ye said towneship of Southampton standing upon ye west side of ye mane branch of said Seatuck River, and from said tree extending northerly to peconick grate River aforesaid, together with all and singular ye Libertyes and privileges and advantages whatsoever to ye said tracte of Land and town ship, and all beaches pints medows marshes swamps Rivers brooks coves ponds of water timber and stones belonging or in any maner of wise appertaining to ye said tracte of Land or township as above bounded and all that therein is contained or in any maner of wise comprehended To Have And To Hold to them ye said trustees theire associates their heirs and sucksesers, with their and every of their appurtenances to ye only proper use benefit and behoofe of each particular Inhabitant of said township according to their Respective appropriated Rights, and ye undivided Land to ye proprietors according to their several! Rights and proportions in said township and to their heirs and assigns forever, so that neither they ye said Pomgomo Chice and mahamanan their people nor any of their heirs and sucksessers nor any other person or persons for them or any of them or in their or any of their names right or stead of any of them shall or will by any way or meanes hereafter Claime Chaleng or Demand any Estate Right title or intrist In or to ye premises or any part or parcel thereof, but from all and every action Right title or interest and Demand of in or to ye premises or any part or parcel thereof they and every of them shall be utterly Bared forever by these presents, and in full Confirmation hereof that ye said Pomgomo Chice and mahamanan and many others of their people have hereunto set their hands and scales. In Southampton aforesaid this sixteenth Day of August Annoye Domie 1703. Signed sealed and delivered in ye presence of us.

Stephen Boyer
Arthur Davis
Benjamen Marshall

Tomon X Indian
Hed X Indian
Judas X Indian
Toby X Indian
Isaac X Indian
Wegan X Indian
Benquam X
Achigan X Indian
quatagaboge X Indian
Obadiah X Indian
Wackwana X Indian
Nahanawas X Indian
Longatuck X Indian