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The Deed Between the Shinnecock and the
Original English Settlers of Southampton
December 13, 1640
This indenture, made the 13th day of December, Anno Dom. 1640, betweene Pomatuck, Mandush, Mocomanto, Pathemanto, Wybbenett, Wainmenowog, Heden, Watemexoted, Checkepuchat, the natiue Inhabitants [c true owners of the eastern pt. of the Long Island, on the one part, and Mr. John Gosmer, Edward Howell, Daniell How, Edward Needham, Thomas Halsey, John Cooper, Thomas Sayre. Edward flarrington, Job Sayre, George Welbee Allen Breade, Will'm Harker, Henry Walton. On the other part, witnesseth that the sayed Indians for due consideration of sixteene coats already received, and alsoe three score bushells of indian corne to bee payed vpon lawfull demand the last of September, which shall bee in the yeare 1641, & further in consideration that the above named English shall defend vs the sayed Indians from the unjust violence of whatever Indians shall illegally assaile vs. doe absolutely & for ever give & grant & by these presents doe acknowledge ourselues, to have giuen & granted to the partyes above mentioned. without any fraude, guile, mentall reservation or equivocation to them & theire heires & successors for ever, all the lands, woods, waters, water courses, easements, profits & emolumeents thence arisinge what soeuer, from the place comonly knowne by the place where the Indians hayle over their cannooes out of the North bay to the south side of the Island, from thence to possess all the lands lying eastward between the foresaid bounds by water, to wit, all the land pertaining to the parteyes aforesaid as alsoe all the old ground formerly planted Iying eastward from the first creek at the westemore end of Shinecock plaine, To have & to hold forever without any claime or challenge of the least title, interest or propriety whatsoever of vs the sayd Indians or our heyres or successors or any others by our leave, appointment license counsel or authority whatsoever, all the land bounded as is above said. In full testimonie of this our absolute bar gaine, contract & grant indented & in full & complete satisfaction & establishment of this our act & deed of passing over all our title and interest in the premises, with all emolumonts & profits thereto appertaining or any wise belonging from sea or land within our limitts above specified without all guile wee haue set to our hands the day and yeare above sayd. Mernorand. Before the subscribing of this present writing it is agreed that the Indians aboue named shall haue libertie to breake vp ground for theire vse to the westward of the creek afore mentioned on the west side of Shinecock plaine. Witnesses of the delivery & subscribing this writing.
ABRAHAM PIERSON these in tho name of the rest. |
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