Heidi Fleiss Hollywood Madame

USA 1995
World Premiere

Director/Producer: Nich Broomfield
Cinematographer: Paul Kloss
Editor: S. J. Bloom
Music: David Bergeaud
Print Source: In Pictures
XX minutes

A brutally honest investigaton of this riddle comprises the new film by documentarian Nick Broomfield - Tracking Down Maggie Thatcher(1994); Soldier Girls 1983; Monster in a Box (1991). In a Hard Copy version of Rashomon, we get conflicting testimony from Ivan Nagy, the lover/Svengali who introduced Heidi into "the life"; Alex, the infamous L.A. madame who taught the early jeans-clad Heidi how to dress; roommate Victoria Sellers (Peter's daughter) who watched her sweet innocent friend go berserk on drugs; Heidi's 'girls' who are certain that terrible Ivan delivered Heidi to the L.A. police. Finally the twenty-something ingenue herself, Heidi Lynn Fleiss, disarming and vulnerable on the eve of what many called an unjustly harsh sentencing tells her side of the story.