Gods and Monsters

Bill Condon
USA, 1998, 105 mins.

Producers: Paul Colichman, Greg Fienberg, Mark Harris
Screenwriter Bill Condon
Director of Photography: Stephen M. Katz
Editor: Virginia Katz
Production Designer: Richard Sherman
Music: Carter Burwell
Principal cast: Ian McKelien, Brendan Fraser, Lynn Redgrave, Lolita Davidovich, Kevin J. O'Connor.

In the spring of 1957, James Whale, director of The Bride of Frankenstein, was found dead in his swimming pool-eerily evoking Sunset Boulevard. His lonely demise inspired the novel Father of Frankenstein, which has been beautifully adapted into a cinematic chamber piece. Essentially a two -character drama, Gods and Monsters is about the ambiguous, charged relationship between Whale, who was openly gay, and Clayton Boone, a handsome young drifter he recruits as a model. "Maybe he's not an artist at all," suggests Boone's ex-girlfriend, "Maybe he's just an old fruit trying to get inside the big guy's pants." As the relationship unfolds, the parallels between Whale's life and films come into focus. But rather than providing easy answers, Condon has created fascinating characters who are equal part gods and monsters. - David Schwartz