Paul Greengrass United Kingdom, 1998, 100 mins.
Producers: Anant Singh, Helena Spring, Ruth Caleb, David Thompson The Theory of Flight is a winning combination of poignant drama and charming comedy. It is also a showcase for two of England's finest screen actors. Kenneth Branagh plays an eccentric man with some elaborate ideas about how to build a flying machine. A failed attempt to fly off the roof of a bank lands him with a sentence of 120 hours of community service. At a local hospital, he is assigned to care for a severely disabled, wheelchair-bound, speech-impaired, and bracingly foul-mouthed woman (Helena Bonham Carter) who is on a quest to be deflowered before she dies. This saga of two people struggling to transcend their physical and psychological disabilities is never maudlin thanks largely to two fine performances leavened with surprising flashes of physical comedy. - David Schwartz. |