Storefront Hitchcock

Jonathan Demme
USA, 1997, 81 mins.

Producer: Peter Saraf Director of Photography: Anthony Janneiii Editor: Andy Keir Music: Robyn Hitchcock Principal cast: Robyn Hitchcock, Deni Bonet, Tim Keegan

In 1984, Jonathan Demme wowed music fans and filmgoers alike with Stop Making Sense, his absorbing concert collage of the hyper-kinetic band Talking Heads. Now comes the director's equally inspired anti-concert film, a deadpan collaboration with the one songsmith whose lyrics are hallucinatory enough to provide all the images an audience needs. Robyn Hitchcock, beloved by content-starved fans and critics since the 1970s for his arcane cinematic phrasings and anti-star persona, sits for Demme's cameras in the window of an abandoned storefront on Manhattan's 14th Street. With no audience but the bustling street life visible during the whole film, Hitchcock performs for the cameras, using songs and rambling, surreal monologues to examine life's sweet absurdities. - Scott Meserve