The Voice of Bergman
Bergmans Rost

Gunnar Bergdahl
Sweden, 1997, 87 mins.

Producers: Gunnar Bergdahl, Bengt Toll
Directors of Photography: Ralph Evers, Stefan Hencz Editor: Robert Stengard, Sound Hazze Ostlund.

A "conversation in eight acts" with the revered and reclusive filmmaker Ingmar Bergman, The Voice of Bergman was originally to be a TV interview. But when director Gunnar Bergdahl discovered that the material he had filmed was almost hypnotic in its insight, he decided to shape the riveting material into a feature-length documentary. No cut-aways here, no illustrative films clips or archival footage, just lngmar Bergman: patient, dignified, looking a bit tired (at the time he had just finished making In the Presence of a Clown, his first film in more than a decade), but talking freely, with poetry, strength, and impishness about his passion for cinema. "We'll see if we get anywhere," he modestly says at the beginning of this invaluable document. They do: movie lover's Nirvana. - Eddie Cockrell