A Bedtime Story

1997, 16mm, Color, 13 min.
World Premiere

Director: Ron Brown
Producer: Ron Brown
Cinematographer: Jeffrey Lando
Editor: John Gilroy
Screenwriter: Ron Brown
Music: Nick Meyers
Principal Cast: Elizabeth Hess, Joe O'Connor, Peter Brown

The kids have been tucked into bed and read their bedtime stories, and after a long, tiresome day, a young married couple is about to retire for the evening. The husband turns on the TV and channel-surfs between commercials as his wife, clearly exhausted, settles into a deep sleep. Each commercial the husband views is more sensual than the last and, in short order, he's horny. He tries to stir his wife, but she's not having it. Through a series of fantasies and flashbacks, A Bedtime Story offers a humorous glimpse into the minds of the couple as they try (again and again) to achieve their conflicting goals. Compromise was seldom this inventive.