The Other Side of Sunday
Sondags Engler

1996, 35mm, Color, 97 min.

Director: Berit Nesheim
Producers: Grete Rypdal, Oddvar sull-Tobus
Cinematographer: Arne Borsheim
Editor: Lillian Fjellvaer
Screenwriters: Berit Nesheim, Lasse Glomme, based on the novel "Sundays" by Reidun Nordtvedt Music: Geir Bohren, Bent Aserud Principal Cast: Marie Theisen, Bjorn Sundquist, Hildegun Riise

The year is 1959. Maria (Marie Theisen), the vicar's daughter, figures out that by the time of her impending confirmation, she will have spent 640 hours sitting in church. And that's long enough! Maria longs for life. She doesn't want Communion or the blood of Christ, she wants a Coke at the local dance hall, "the den of sin". She wants to go out with her friends, to meet boys, to wear earrings, and to have breasts that point upwards. Maria's confidant is Mrs. Tunheim (Hildegun Riise), who works in the church. Unlike the other church wives, Mrs. Tunheim is prepared to acknowledge that she has a body below her neck, and she counsels Maria to be true to her feelings, even though the cost may be greater than she anticipated. Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film last year, Berit Nesheim's The Other Side of Sunday is a beautiful film about growing up at a time when almost everything one desired was forbidden.