Short Film Showcase


The Festival is delighted to present this program of three outstanding animated films. Both The Grey-Bearded Lion and The Long Journey are the creations of acclaimed Russian animator, Andrei Khrjanovski, working with former-Fellini screenplay collaborator, Tonino Guerra. The Grey-Bearded Lion, which bested both features and documentaries at the recent Message To Man Film Festival in St. Petersburg, Russia, is a film that will delight audiences. Its lush, Chagall-like illustrations evoke the fantasy life of a depressed circus lion with eerie intimacy. The Long Journey was inspired by the drawings of Fellini, and is further testament to the range and talent of this gifted collaborative team. THE WILD HEELS, from another exceptional collaborative team, Didier and Thierry Poiraud, is a macabre tale of strange wooden creatures living in the heart of a mysterious forest. The creation of a sculptor who died before they were completed, they wander the forest until Theo, a meteorologist, shows up to feed them.

The Grey-Bearded Lion
Andrei Khrjanovski
Russia, 1995, 3Smm, Color, 30 minutes, U.S. Premiere

The Long Journey
Andrei Khrjanovski
Russia, 1996, 3Smm, Color, 28 minutes, World Premiere

The Wild Heels (Les Escarpins Sauvages)
Directed 6y Didier and Thierry Poiraud
France, 1994, 3Smm, B & W, 12.5 minutes, U.S. Premiere