Allegories, Fables, ParablesOlivier Megaton's Bad Boy depicts an intense interrogation scene with a twist: You're in the hot seat! Perhaps you're a traveling salesman, like the one in Jonathan Ogilvie's cunningly constructed Despondent Divorcee, and you just told your wife you've had it, or maybe you covet something you can't obtain, like the underwater caretaker in Joachim Solum and Thomas Lien's macabre Depth Solitude. You may need to be punished, like fifteen-year-old Atlanta cheerleader Kitty Thomas, who "shoots a moon" out the back window of the school bus in Tom Hodges hilarious Shoot The Moon. Or, like seven-year-old Manuel, whose gun-play pantomime turns deadly in Nicholas Goodman's magic-realist Stigmata .44, you've already learned your lesson, the hard way. The choices are simple: take your revenge, like Mr. Seguin, on that imaginary wolf stealing your sheep, or simply adapt, like Joe, to the inevitable insult. For the end is nigh, and The Lion And The Lamb are at the crossroads...
Despondent Divorcee directed by Jonathan Ogilvie (Australia) |