Some Mother's Son

Opening Night
Producers: Jim Sheridan, Arthur Lappin, Edward Burke
Associate Producer: Helen Mirrn
Cinematographer: Geoffrey Simpson
Editor: Craig McKay
Screenwriters: Terry George, Jim Sheridan
Music: Bill Whelan
Cast: Helen Mirren, Fionnula Flannagan, Aiden Gillen, David O'Hara, John
Lynch, Tom Hollander, Tim Woodward, Caran Hinds, Geraldine O'Rawe
Directed by Terry George
In his emotionally wrenching directorial debut (which he co-wrote with Jim
Sheridan), Terry George tells a story based on the events
surrounding Bobby Sands, who starved himself to death in 1981 while leading
a hunger strike against the British system's treatment of imprisoned Irish
The story is told through the eyes of two mothers whose sons are imprisoned
with Sands. Helen Mirren plays Kathleen Quigley, a schoolteacher and
pacifist , who is stunned when her son, Gerard, is arrested for an attack on
British soldiers. Once in jail, Gerard refuses to be treated as a terrorist,
insisting with his Republican comrades that he is a prisoner of war. Slowly,
a tenuous friendship develops between Kathleen and Annie Higgins (Fionnula
Flannagan), the mother of another Republican prisoner, Frank, and a staunch
supporter of the Republican cause. One day, Bobby Sands announces a hunger
strike, and soon Gerard and Frank have joined the protest. Kathleen and
Annie must now make the agonizing decision to either support their sons'
political beliefs and possibly watch them die, or to save them at the cost
of their sons' convictions.
Some Mother's Son is a deeply moving portrayal of the personal
dilemmas faced within the universal tragedy of war.
1996, 35mm, Color 108 minutes
Unhook the Stars

Closing Night Gala
United States
Executive Producer: Bernard Bouix
Producer: Renee Cleitman
Cinematographer: Phendon Papamichael
Editor: Petra Von Oelffen
Screenwriters: Nick Cassavetes, Helen Caldwell
Music: Steven Hufsteter
Cast:Gena Rowlands, Marisa Tomei, Gerard Depardieu, Jake Lloyd, Moira Kelly,
David Thornton, David Sherrill
Directed by Nick Cassavetes
In his feature debut, Nick Cassavetes, son of the late John Cassavates,
directs two Academy Award winning actresses in an unsentimental, beautifully
observed film full of charming surprises. Marisa Tomei gives a perfectly
toned performance as Monican, a scattered young mother, while Cassavates'
own mother, the inimitable Gena Rowlands, gives a career-crowning
performance as Mildred, a middle-aged woman who must finally determine the
course of her own life.
Widowed Mildred still lives in the old family house. Her son is married and
making a life for himself, and her grown, rebellious daughter still lives
with her. Going quietly about her business, Mildred observes her neighbors'
constant bickering.
One day, Mildred is approached by Monica, one half of the volatile couple
next door, who has been abandoned by her husband after a huge fight. Monica
works nights and turns to Mildred for help in looking after her young son,
J.J. Since her daughter has just moved out, Mildred is glad to help.
Shy J. J. blossoms under Mildred's attention, and Mildred feels useful once
again. When Monica's contrite husband returns, suddenly Mildred is no longer
necessary. For the first time, Mildred has no one, depending on her, and she
must decide just what it is that she really wants.