Anne Frank Remembered

Great Britain, 1995
US Premiere

Director/Producer/Screenplay: Jon Blair
Cinematographer: Barry Ackroyd
Editor: Karin Steininger
Music: Carl Davis
Print Source: Jon Blair Film Company
122 minutes

A riveting chronicle of the life and legacy of Anne Frank, featuring personal testimony from those who were close to her, extremely rare photos and archival footage, previously undisclosed family letters and excerpts from her diary read by Glenn Close. Narrated by Kenneth Branagh.

Preceded by: The Dead Speak directors: Victoria Leacock, David Bryne, Jonathan Craven, Rocky Collins, Frank Ralnone, Steve Stalgman, Joe Berlinger nd Bruce Sinofsky, 9 min. A collection of imagined vignettes in which people recount what they were doing when 'the bomb' fell, followed by one moving, real-life experience.